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Residential Real Estate
Apr 13, 2017

Five Tips To Stage Your Home

Sponsored Content provided by Neal Johnson - Licensed Real Estate Broker , Network Real Estate

Staging a home can be one of the most exciting times for a homeowner. In this crucial time, you don’t want to leave anything undone with your home. In this list, we will discuss five tips to stage your home to sell.

Removing Clutter

Over time, nearly every home will start to become cluttered. Before staging your home is the perfect time to start removing clutter. If you need the incentive to get started on this project, think of the valuable items you have that might be lying around. Also, donating gently used items to charity is a big benefit of removing clutter. Having a clutter-free home will let guests have all the space they need to see their potential new living area.

Deep Cleaning Entire Home

After removing clutter from your home, you may notice that time has not been kind to the surfaces of your home. It is wise to deeply clean your entire house before it is staged. You want to present every potential homebuyer with a fully cleaned home. There are many areas in a home that can gather dirt and dust. Ensure that you thoroughly clean all floors, as they will have likely amassed a lot of foot traffic.

Give Spare Rooms A Purpose

Each room in your staged home should have some sort of theme. Of course, there are the obvious bedrooms and bathrooms, but what about those spare rooms? Many homeowners may feel that bare extra space is all that is needed to entice buyers. However, buyers go into homes thinking of the experiences that they will enjoy in your home. Having a home filled with empty rooms doesn’t bode well for creating any imagery for a buyer.

Accent Without Over-decorating

You will want to take the opportunity when staging your home to ensure that large surfaces are accented. Some can overdo it with their accents until they have created clutter. Place one to three decorative items on surfaces like tables to add a visual flair to any room. Wall art is another great accenting idea that can be used to add value to your staged home. It is a good idea to use the accenting time of your staging to check the attic for any old decorations that could help out.

Repaint Problem Areas

As you’ve likely seen with your floors, walls are another area that can accumulate dust and dirt. Use a staging as the time to either paint your walls a different color or repaint with the same color choice. Repainting your walls presents a sense of freshness to your home, no matter which color you choose. However, try to avoid any colors that could be off-putting, especially overly bright colors that could be distracting.

In closing, there are many benefits associated with staging your home. If you need help in selling your home, please give us a call. Our professionals can help you sell your home as soon as possible.

As you start planning to sell your home, be sure to contact one of Network Real Estate’s professional agents to help you with the process from beginning to end, (910) 395-4100.

Neal Johnson is a CMCA, CRB, CNE and GRI-certified, licensed real estate broker at Network Real Estate, which has exclusively served a high volume of property sales and purchases in the greater Wilmington area for more than 30 years. With three offices at College Road, historic downtown Wilmington and Pleasure Island, Network’s brokers are widespread and well-versed in this marketplace, making Network a preferred real estate company for first-time homebuyers and beyond.

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