At Tushingham Wealth Strategies, our goal is to help you proactively oversee all of your financial affairs by serving as your “Personal CFO” and fiduciary, so that you may live your ideal life worry free. As part of our "Personal
The decision to retire can be a scary one, but it doesn’t have to be. You need to make sure that you have thoroughly thought things through and have the answers to a number of questions ...
The need for college planning has never been more important. The average cost for a private school is now $35,676 and the rates on Stafford and Parent Plus loans for 2019 have increased to 5.05 perce ...
December is almost here, and my children are already preparing their Christmas lists. These lists seem to get larger every year. Anyway, let’s get right to it and take a look at s ...
To say that student loans in the U.S. are an issue is an understatement. Let’s look at a few statistics: Outstanding student loans are nearing 1.6 trillion, second only to mortgages ...
Families of incoming and current college students can submit their financial aid applications for the 2019-20 school year beginning Oct. 1. Before you get started, it’s important to understan ...
We’re often asked how to optimize financial aid during our college planning discussions with clients. They have usually read somewhere or been told that it always makes sense to keep assets out ...
We recently had a prospect ask if it was worth his time to complete the FAFSA. He makes over $200,000 a year as a physician and has a soon to be 17-year-old applying to colleges. He also has ...
A divorce or separation can have a dramatic impact on your child’s eligibility for financial aid, and here’s why – some colleges will only consider the income and assets of the custo ...
It won’t be long before rising seniors start applying to colleges this fall. By that time, families should construct a predetermined list of schools based on several factors, one being ...
Outstanding student loan debt is now over $1.5 trillion. This is second only to mortgages when it comes to household debt. Nearly one quarter of these borrowers are already in default! ...
My boys, Reece and Ryder, love rooting for the Tar Heels and the Fighting Irish. Reece recently asked me how much it costs to attend both schools. When I told him it was over $70,000 a y ...
Grandparents are usually willing to help with college expenses when possible. I remember my own grandmother chipping in a bit for my freshman year at school. But, knowing what I know now, it’ ...
Your financial aid award letter has arrived. You open the letter expecting to see exactly how much you’ll have to pay for that education but instead, you’re left scratching your head. T ...
What if you told someone that they could have a guaranteed revenue stream for the rest of their lives and their spouse’s life, with inflation protection to help meet their retirement needs?  ...
Most of us have probably been told by a friend or financial advisor to open a 529 account to help save for college. Although this is a good start it’s not nearly enough, consideri ...
As you probably know by now the tax code looks dramatically different when compared to last year. The recent changes will impact many areas such as tax brackets, deductions and, yes, college ...
The cost of a college education keeps going up, with the average price now at over $44,000 a year for private school. This pales in comparison to some schools closer to home, such as Duke Uni ...
Tech Wilmington: Upcoming Events Calendar
Staff Reports
Feb 5, 2025
Vantaca Hires Four Executives With Decades Of Scale-up Experience
Staff Reports
Feb 4, 2025
NCino Appoints New CEO
Staff Reports
Feb 3, 2025
City Leaders Approve Special Use Permit For Midtown Pickleball Facility
Emma Dill
Feb 5, 2025
Workforce Housing Panel: Some Steps Taken, But Problem Getting Worse
Emma Dill
Feb 4, 2025
Downtown Wilmington's central business district (CBD) continues to evolve, with new and longtime retailers making up a big portion of its fa...
Cal Morgan founded JC Morgan Co., 1904 Eastwood Road, about 15 years ago and has since grown his team to six appraisers...
The rapid pace of technological development combined with a stream of regulations and requirements from the federal government has been stre...
The 2024 WilmingtonBiz: Book on Business is an annual publication showcasing the Wilmington region as a center of business.