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Oct 31, 2022

Celebrating Entrepreneurs Around the World and in Wilmington

Sponsored Content provided by Heather McWhorter - Director, UNCW Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurs are incredible. They are: Activators. Brave. Creative. Diverse. Empathetic. Flexible. Go-getters. Hard working. Intelligent. Job creators. Knowledgeable. Leaders. Motivated. Needed. Optimistic. Passionate. Quick-thinking. Resilient. Self-disciplined. Thoughtful. Unique. Visionaries. Wise. X-factor. Young-at-heart. Zestful.
(Welcome to the Entrepreneur ABCs! Oh, how I yearned to include “yeehaw” or “yodel”. Would you have selected a different word in the list? If so, add it to the comments!)
All net new jobs are created by entrepreneurs. They solve big problems, advance the innovation economy, and make our communities interesting.
That is why the entire world comes together each year in November to celebrate entrepreneurs during Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW). 200 countries 40,000 activities, and 10 million people remove barriers and welcome all to the entrepreneurial community. In this world’s largest celebration of entrepreneurship, GEW celebrates innovation and job creation while expanding human welfare.
This year, the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW) Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) is proud to be the community coordinator for GEW Wilmington, which is being held from November 10-14, 2022. CIE is holding several long-standing and new entrepreneurial programs with funding from NC IDEA. Additional Coalition members are participating including the Brunswick Community College Small Business Center (SBC) and the Cape Fear Community College SBC. Almost 20 programs are available for entrepreneurs and community members to be a part of this international celebration of entrepreneurship.
Some highlights of GEW Wilmington programs for entrepreneurs and community members are listed below. A full list of programs in the greater Wilmington region is on the GEW Wilmington website.
Removing Structural Barriers for Women – A critical focus of GEW is to remove structural barriers and to empower people who may have never considered entrepreneurship as a career path. Brunswick Community College SBC is holding a Womenpreneur Empowerment Summit from November 14-16. The program is full of educational, networking, and inspirational content.
Inspiring the Next Generation of Entrepreneurs – Entrepreneurs from around the region will be talking with classes in New Hanover County high schools and UNCW. Entrepreneurs will share their experience with students and give them helpful tips if they get started. This experience, which is new in 2022 and named Entrepreneur Day, will be held on Wednesday, November 16.
Honing Entrepreneurial Skills – Entrepreneurs need to know a lot to get started and succeed. Cape Fear Community College SBC and Brunswick Community College SBC are offering many virtual programs to help everyone learn about critical topics needed to succeed as an entrepreneur. Be sure to check out these webinar topics:

Accelerating Entrepreneurs – A signature program of UNCW CIE is the CIE Mentor program. This team-based approach matches seasoned entrepreneurs and business leaders with early-stage ventures. (Refer to the Insights article here for more information about the CIE Mentor Program.) For the first time in 2022, entrepreneurs that apply can meet with 3-4 mentors in a fast-paced, caffeinated event named Mentor Madness. I can’t wait to see the entrepreneurs quickly accelerate from the insights gained from the advisors.
Connecting Creatives and Business – In Cucalorus 10x10, 10 filmmakers will meet 10 entrepreneurs and five days later a 3-minute video is debuted about each business. The film debuts will be at Thalian Hall on Thursday, November 17 at 6:45 p.m. It is a crazy week, and fun process. This is part of the 28th Annual Cucalorus Film Festival. Everyone is invited to show up and cheer on the innovative film debuts and celebrate the connection of filmmakers and entrepreneurs.
More programs to celebrate and inspire entrepreneurs are listed on the GEW Wilmington website. While GEW is only one week, the connections and knowledge will be long-lasting. Sign up, show up, and celebrate entrepreneurs during GEW Wilmington. #GEW2022

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