A culture of gratitude exerts a powerful influence on an organization. When you, as a business leader, recognize your associates’ contributions and express your thanks, wonderful things happen. A true attitude of gratitude is contagious, and it can cascade throughout the organization.
It’s simple: people want to feel seen, heard and appreciated. When their managers acknowledge their work and their input, it makes employees happy. And happy employees tend to be productive employees. An organization whose members feel valued reflects its culture of gratitude in its dealings with clients.
September 21 is World Gratitude Day. I think the greatest accomplishment of one’s life is to have made a positive impact on the lives of others. I hope I’ve done that for others, but I am certain I’ve been the recipient. No matter how you define success, no one succeeds alone. Behind every success there may be one face, but there are many hands supporting that person. Be obsessively (but sincerely) grateful and thank those who have made a difference in your life.
I’ve always made a point of thanking my team on a regular basis and especially when they’ve gone above and beyond. I’m also extremely grateful to those who have guided me. My future, and the future of Lumina Business Solutions, is promising because of all the help I’ve had in the past.
Those mentors who have given of their time and experience have developed me in any number of ways, from improving my management skills to helping me become a critical thinker, informed risk-taker and innovator. Those qualities are essential if you want to grow, both professionally and personally.
Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, a strong, successful woman on whose shoulders a generation of women stood, said “Our purpose in life is to help others along the way.” I am grateful for the development opportunities provided to me – they instilled in me the importance of providing my employees with the same opportunities to grow.
Let’s be sure that we express our gratitude to those whose shoulders we stand on, and let’s look for opportunities to offer our employees and associates that same kind of appreciation, wisdom and encouragement.
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The 2024 WilmingtonBiz: Book on Business is an annual publication showcasing the Wilmington region as a center of business.