921 Princess Street
No. of local employees: 3
Year founded: 2021
Top local officials: Co-owners Dale Lacy, president, and Chris Lacy, vice president
Company description: Marine Bean is a family-owned and -operated business that supports local. The company buys all of its materials in the U.S., makes its marine-grade bean bags in Wilmington and supports local charities.
Products made locally: Marine Bean makes marine-grade bean bags intended for the boat, the beach and the pool. The bean bags float and are durable yet lightweight. They can be used to float in the ocean and pool as well as used as beach chairs.
Product distribution: Products are sold online at and at Marine Warehouse Center in Wilmington and Charleston and Eastern Outfitters in Hampstead. Marine Bean is also sold by retailers in Sneads Ferry, Cape Carteret and Morehead City and will expand soon to Hatteras. The company also sells Marine Bean bags at local events, including the Wilmington Boat Show, the Kure Beach Holiday Market and the N.C. Holiday Flotilla.
What made the company decide to make its goods locally?
Dale Lacy: “We wanted to be able to oversee all aspects of the production of the bean bags. It is important to withstand top quality, and it is hard to do that if not in your backyard.”
What’s your target market?
Dale Lacy: “Our target market is fishermen, outdoorsmen, salt life-loving families, boaters, pool owners and really anyone who wants to be comfy seated outside, in the water or on their boat.”
What’s next? Dale Lacy: “We are introducing our newest product, our marine-grade/outdoor dog beds. As owners of several labs, we have learned our material is claw-friendly, and the material and inside beans do not absorb the dog odor. We have also started making custom console covers for boats … for now, those jobs are all referral-based.”